Compare the concentrations of anti-infective factors of human colostrum between cesarean section and normal labor 顺产与剖宫产产妇初乳中抗感染因子浓度的比较
It is the firm conclusion as: In the world, not only not only worker made'surplus value ', but also every normal one person create'surplus value'by legal and inequity labor ( work). 所以肯定地说:世界上任何一个正常人所做的合法合理劳动都创造剩余价值,而不是‘资本论’说的那样,只有工人创造劳动价值。
With a normal process flow, what is the standard labor time required to produce an order of8 circuit boards ( one panel)? Of40 circuit boards? Of800? 正常工艺流程下,制造8个定制电路板(仪表盘上的)需要的标准劳动时间是多少?40个呢?800个呢?
Vomiting is normal at the onset of labor, but persistent vomiting may be a sign of illness. 呕吐在分娩过程中是正常现象,不过持续性的呕吐有可能会是疾病的表征。
In the overseas, fearing that labor dispatch may affect the normal operation of labor market, the government restricts it by every means. 在国外,政府恐惧劳务派遣会影响劳动力市场的正常运行,而对其百般约束;
Feasibility research on mother-infant discharge combined with family visit 48 hours after normal labor 顺产后48h母婴出院联合家庭访视的可行性研究
Changes of endogenous opioid peptides level in normal pregnancy and labor 内源性阿片肽在正常妊娠和分娩中的变化
In vitro ultrasonographic evaluation of normal fetal limbs after induced labor 引产后的胎儿正常肢体的体外超声检查
The third is the normal mutual trasfer of labor force between cities and villages. 第三是正常开展城乡之间的劳动力交流。
Employment discrimination in our country is widespread and serious. It influences on the normal development of labor market, and it is harmful to equitable competition of labor market and laborer's right to employment. 现实生活中普遍存在的就业歧视现象,严重影响了劳动力市场的正常发育与成长,损害了就业市场的公平竞争环境,也损害了劳动者的劳动就业权。
The breast-feeding station of normal labor parturients in hospital was observed in order to investigate the effect obstetric regulation on breast-feeding. 为调查产科制度对母乳喂养的影响,我们对在医院正常分娩的孕妇进行母乳喂养观察。
Conclusion: The amount of bleeding in operative labors was more than that in normal labor, especially vaginal assistant labor. 结论:手术产较顺产出血量要多,尤以阴道助产为甚。
Study on intrapartum service model during normal labor 自然分娩的产时服务模式探讨
Expression of bone morphogenetic protein 2 in normal spontaneous labor at term, preterm labor, and preterm premature rupture of membranes 足月自然分娩、早产和未足月胎膜早破中骨形态发生蛋白-2的表达
On the one hand, social security creates appropriate environment for economic development, and makes normal labor reproduction possible, and promotes tertiary industry, solves the employment problems and promotes economy. 一方面,社会保障给经济发展创造了良好的环境,使劳动力再生产得以正常进行,促进了第三产业的发展,解决了一批人的就业问题,促进了经济向前发展;
Result: The rate of normal labor through vagina in observation group was 77.0%, in comparison with that of 16.7% in control group ( p < 0.01); 结果观察组产妇经阴道顺产率77.0%,对照组16.7%(p<0.01);
Employment discrimination leaded disadvantage influences to normal operation and healthy development of labor market. 就业歧视对于劳动力市场的正常运行和健康发展有着十分不利的影响。
Objective: To investigate the effect of isoflurane analgesia on the cyclic guanosine monophosphate ( cGMP) levels in maternity and fetomaternal circulation during normal labor. 目的:探讨镇痛浓度的异氟醚对母体及胎儿-母体循环中环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)水平的影响。
Normal labor, 161. Fetal distress and relative cephalopelvic disproportion were the numerous of indications of cesarean section which were 22 and 23 cases respectively. 剖宫产格征以胎儿窘迫和相对性头盆不称为多,分别为22例和23例。
Because of the restriction and influence, under physiological conditions for a long time, groups of persons with disabilities to participate in the normal competitive labor market, employment ability and survival status is not optimistic. 由于受到生理条件的制约和影响,长期以来,残疾人群体难以正常参与劳动力市场竞争,就业能力和生存状况不容乐观。
Therefore, a correct properly handle the labor dispute case, resolving conflicts, and removing obstacles, restore and maintain normal, harmonious labor relations, to maintain social stability and promote economic development, constructing the harmonious society, it is of great practical significance. 因此,正确妥善处理劳动争议案件,化解矛盾、消除障碍,恢复和维持正常、和谐的劳动关系,对于维护社会稳定,促进经济发展,构建和谐社会,都具有非常重要的现实意义。
Many companies have resorted to layoffs, variable normal employment for labor and other means to send workers to circumvent the labor contract law the responsibility of enterprises and employment. 不少企业纷纷采取裁员、变正常用工为劳务派遣工等手段规避劳动合同法规定的企业用工责任。
Markedly: The main symptoms of all to remove or eliminate the symptoms, joint function was restored, can participate in normal work and labor; indicators of physical and chemical examination were normal. 显效:全部症状消除或主要症状消除,关节功能基本恢复,能参加正常工作和劳动;理化检查指标基本正常。
Standard Time is time required for the job which is at normal operating conditions and reasonable rate of labor intensity, finished by qualified workers, using standard operating methods, achieved the quality demands. 标准时间(StandardTime)是在正常的操作条件下,由合格的作业者,以标准的作业方法及合理的劳动强度和速度完成符合质量要求的工作所需的时间。
System can meet the needs of terminal normal production operations, significantly reducing labor costs and operating costs, improved efficiency of terminal operations, and improve the effective utilization of terminal stockpiling, use the system terminal has been well received and approved. 系统能够满足码头正常生产作业的需要,显著的降低了人工成本和运行成本,提高的码头作业效率,而且改善了码头堆存的有效利用率,得到了使用系统码头的好评和认可。
A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers on the premise that workers make their normal labor contributions within statutory working time or working hours regulated by legally signed labor contract. 最低工资制度是指劳动者在法定工作时间或依法签订的劳动合同约定的工时间内提供了正常劳动的前提下,用人单位依法应支付的最低劳动报酬的制度。
Two patients 'lifestyle and activities are normal, even for the rigors of rural farm labor except for one patient with hemiparalysis. 除1例偏瘫外,余2例生活劳动正常。